Outpouring empathy from UK Government in commemorating Yezidi Genocide
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The MP for Lincoln in the UK, and who has been appointed as the Minister for the Middle East and North Africa in the Foreign Office Hamish Falconer sent over a passionate video message on August 3rd, in the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Yezidis Genocide.
Falconer stated "Today, we join with Yezidi community in mourning the atrocities and violence committed by Daesh (ISIS). Daesh invaded Yezidi’s historical homeland of Sinjar, murdering 1268 Yezidis on one day alone, weeks followed over 6,000 Yazidis were kidnapped and more than 3,000 women and underage girls subjected to the horror of the slavery,"
"More than %65 Yezidi population became displaced and experienced immense suffering. Even today, hundreds of thousands remain displaced in camps with thousands are still missing.” He highlighted.
Acknowledging the tragedy that Yezidis victims went through, Falconer passed on UK government’s mind and feelings about “The scars left on Sinjar and its people are daily reminder of the atrocities which continue to have devastating repercussion that are felt day in and a day out.”
In the mid of mourning and saddened atmosphere, it’s been highly appreciated in the video statement to affirm the tragedy as genocide for the Yezidis "in August 2023, the UK government formally recognized these atrocities as acts of genocide, while this acknowledgement is a step towards justice, for many Yezidis true accountability and community healing remain distance," He underlined in the video message
Falconer further expressed "though the pain of the past is ever present! Today we also reflect on the strength of Yezidis people, to ensure all survivors affected by inhumane crimes of Dash (ISIS) get the justices they deserve, and Daesh perpetrators are held accountable, both governments must continue working closely together,”
He requested for teaming up “Let us honor the memory of those lost and continue to support the survivors in their pursuit of justices and peace.”
He ended his message with positivity for the survivors “As we commemorate this anniversary we are reminded of the ongoing need for justices and accountability, we stand together with Yezidis community in their cause for a secure and dignified future free from fear and persecution” He ended his message.