Trump poised to reject Syrian refugees, deport illegal migrants

American President Donald Trump is expected to seek sharp changes in the US' immigration policy.

LOS ANGELES, United States (Kurdistan24) – The new President of the United States is expected to use his executive power to make sharp changes in the US immigration system, echoing his predecessor’s politically controversial move.

Former President Barak Obama used his executive power to deport migrants with criminal records, but also to provide work permits to youth who had crossed borders, also known as “Dreamers.”

Obama’s move was later blocked by the court when he decided to expand his decision to millions.

Using his executive order, President Donald Trump is also expected to make dramatic changes in the immigration laws. 

He has promised to put an end to accepting refugees from Syria and other Muslim countries where terrorism is present.

In his campaigns, Trump promised “extreme vetting” and ideological tests for Muslim immigrants.

Like Obama, Trump vowed to deport migrants with criminal records, but he also pledged to speed up the eviction process.

Moreover, President Trump stressed his readiness to build a wall along the US-Mexico border to prevent illegal immigrants from crossing over.

A priority in Trump’s changes would be to end the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

The program currently provides work permits to about 750,000 young people who were brought to America when they were young.

This group of immigrants has the most sympathy among Americans, and the President has promised to “work something out.”

On his Inauguration Day on Jan. 20, President Trump issued his first executive orders regarding Affordable Healthcare and other matters.

Most of his strategies appear to be reversing what Obama had achieved.


Editing by Karzan Sulaivany