Erbil to host Third International Summit of Journalists, focus on protecting women journalists

The overarching theme of the summit underscores the imperative of safeguarding the rights and dignity of women journalists, who often face unique challenges and barriers in their professional pursuits.
Kurdistan Journalist's Syndicate. (Photo: KJS)
Kurdistan Journalist's Syndicate. (Photo: KJS)

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The upcoming third international summit for journalism in Erbil is poised to address pressing issues surrounding the protection of women journalists from gender discrimination.

Organized under the auspices of the Kurdistan Region’s Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and Kurdistan Journalist's Syndicate (KJS), in collaboration with the Gender Committee of Journalists via International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the summit marks a significant milestone in advancing gender equality within the field of journalism.

Scheduled to coincide with the 26th anniversary of the Kurdistan Journalist's Syndicate, the summit will convene on April 22 and 23, providing a platform for dialogue and collaboration among journalists, media professionals, and stakeholders.

The overarching theme of the summit underscores the imperative of safeguarding the rights and dignity of women journalists, who often face unique challenges and barriers in their professional pursuits.

By fostering dialogue and raising awareness about gender discrimination in the media industry, the summit seeks to catalyze tangible action and policy reforms to promote inclusivity and equality.

Against the backdrop of Kurdistan's vibrant media landscape, characterized by a diverse array of voices and perspectives, the summit represents a pivotal opportunity to galvanize collective efforts in support of gender-sensitive journalism practices.

While Erbil prepares to host this landmark event, anticipation is running high for substantive discussions and meaningful outcomes that will advance the cause of gender equality in journalism and beyond.

The Kurdistan Journalist's Syndicate decision to host the third international summit for journalism underscores its commitment to promoting gender equality and empowering women journalists in the Kurdistan Region.

By elevating the voices of women journalists and amplifying their contributions to the media landscape, the summit aims to challenge entrenched gender norms and stereotypes, paving the way for greater inclusivity and representation within the profession.

Kurdistan Journalist's Syndicate's invitation for the 26th Anniverasry of its establishment.