6th festival arranged in Colemerg (officially known -Hakkari-)
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The 6th festival runs in Colemerg (officially known as Hakkari), this year is in the countryside of Julemerg city, its highlands are picturesque.
The mind-blowing natural world of Hakkari, Colemerg, attracted thousands of people to travel to and spent their holiday in that zone. It is at an altitude of more than 3000 meters, above the see level, locates on the northern part of Kurdistan.
The snow from the last winter can be seen covering the mountains in the countryside of the city, the festival has been held within the mountain area.
This year the Festival of Jilo-Fest has been arranged, it covers many interesting activities; cultural, traditional food, music and concerts, sports, skating, inflatable raft -rafting and many more outdoor activities.
People from other parts and places of the country managed to participate in the festival, there are even Kurdish from different areas of Kurdistan Region have travelled over there.