Kurds should leverage Iraqi legitimacy, says Director of CFRI

Baxawan stressed the importance of the Kurdistan Region using both Iraqi and regional legitimacy to strengthen its position internationally.
The director of the French Center for Studies on Iraq, Adel Baxawan. (Photo: Kurdistan 24)
The director of the French Center for Studies on Iraq, Adel Baxawan. (Photo: Kurdistan 24)

ERBIL (Kurdistan24) - The director of the French Center for Studies on Iraq, Adel Baxawan, emphasized the importance of the Kurdistan Region leveraging its position within Iraq to strengthen its international standing.

Baxawan's comments were made today Thursday, May 23, during his participation in the program (X) presented by Kovan Izzat on Kurdistan24.

Baxawan highlighted that the Kurdistan Region, as a federal entity, is a product of international community decisions rather than solely Iraqi initiatives.

He noted that while the international system includes Kurdish-friendly powers, it does not support the establishment of a Kurdish state.

He stated, "The right to statehood is a legitimate right for the Kurdish nation, just as it is for Arabs, Turks, Persians, and other nations."

Baxawan explained that since 2003, the international discourse has consistently promoted "a strong Kurdistan within a unified Iraq." This stance reflects the international community's preference for Kurdish integration within Iraq rather than secession, a reality that contradicts the national aspirations of some Kurds.

He pointed out that the creation of the Kurdistan Region as a federal entity was a result of international community decisions in 1991 and again in 2003, when the federal structure was imposed and enshrined in the Iraqi constitution.

Reflecting on the political dynamics, Baxawan noted that after 2003, Kurds played a significant role in shaping a new Iraq and were influential decision-makers in Baghdad.

However, he observed a shift in perception by 2024, with Arabs, especially Shiites, viewing Kurds as "guests" in Iraq.

Baxawan stressed the importance of the Kurdistan Region using both Iraqi and regional legitimacy to strengthen its position internationally.

He argued that after enduring a century of conflict, genocide, chemical attacks, and destruction, Kurds should strategically use their established role within Iraq to their advantage.

This dual approach could enhance their influence and ensure a more secure and prosperous future for the Kurdistan Region.