Kurdish author publishes a book on Eastern Mediterranean's Hydrocarbon Dynamics

An analysis of the strategic value of the Mediterranean Sea is presented in this book as well as the role of extra-regional actors such as NATO, Russia, and the US in shaping the dynamics of the East Mediterranean.
The cover of the Bahrooz Jaafar Jabbar's book. (Photo: Designed by Kurdistan24)
The cover of the Bahrooz Jaafar Jabbar's book. (Photo: Designed by Kurdistan24)

ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – Bahrooz Jaafar Jabbar who holds a Ph.D. in the field of International Relations in Cyprus, Nicosia published a book under the title ‘Deciphering the Eastern Mediterranean's Hydrocarbon Dynamics.’

An analysis of the strategic value of the Mediterranean Sea is presented in this book as well as the role of extra-regional actors such as NATO, Russia, and the US in shaping the dynamics of the East Mediterranean.

Those seeking to understand the strategic significance of the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as geopolitical analysts, energy experts, and decision-makers, will find this in-depth work valuable. In addition to providing insights into energy security, geopolitics, and regional power's impact on environmental concerns, it sheds light on regional power.

Founder and Director of the Mediterranean Institute for Regional Studies, Jabbar has over 16 years of expertise in energy geopolitics, energy security, regional order in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean, as well as ongoing conflicts in Iraq.