Masrour Barzani: Kurds self-determination historically prevented

Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) Chancellor Masrour Barzani stated on Sunday that Kurds have been prevented throughout history to decide on their future.

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (K24) – Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) Chancellor Masrour Barzani stated on Monday that Kurds have been historically prevented from deciding on self-determination. 

Barzani pointed out that self-determination is a natural right of all peoples, “We have the right [to an independent country] whenever we want. Many countries now recognize the history of betrayals against the people of Kurdistan and our right to self-determination,” Barzani said in an interview with Gulan, a Kurdish magazine.

Referring to a referendum planned later in the year, he stated that its results will prove the best evidence regarding what the people of the Kurdistan Region desire. “We have to remember that the referendum means showing the people's desires, not declaring independence,” he explained.

Continuing, Barzani added, “Results will be a powerful tool for wishes of our nation. Political parties must put national interests above special & narrow interests.”

Additionally, he mentioned that Masoud Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Region, understands today’s geopolitical realities and that declaring Kurdish independence alone will not solve every issue.

KRSC Chancellor continued, “It is vital for us to maintain dialogue and negotiations with superpowers, and neighboring countries, especially the government in Baghdad, to explain that federalism and other previous governing systems didn’t work. We are better off living as peaceful neighbors and allies to prevent further instability in the region.”

The Chancellor also touched upon the financial crisis in the Region, stating that it is crucial to have a robust economic system.

“KRG should consider the opinion of people in creating economic policies,” he added

Regarding Peshmerga forces, the Chancellor revealed that Peshmerga's primary needs involve the issue of salaries.

Discussing bilateral issues between Erbil and Baghdad he explained, “Baghdad officials must understand that since they do not accept Kurds as their real partner in the Iraqi Federal Government, it is time to separate peacefully and become two strong allies.”

“An agreement for peaceful separation will also decrease the opposition to Kurdish independence from some regional countries,” Chancellor Barzani concluded.

Recently, President Barzani released a statement on Feb. 2 emphasizing the Kurdish insistence on holding a referendum, stating that self-determination is a natural right that cannot be denied under any pretext or justification.


Reporting by Mewan Dolamari

Editing by Benjamin Kweskin and Karzan Sulaivany