PHOTOS: Swedish Kurd invents artificial heart pump

Swedish Prime Minister visited Dr. Azad's labratory.

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan24) – A Kurdish-Swedish physician invented an artificial heart pump for the first time.

Azad Najar, a Kurdish senior consultant based in Västerås, Sweden and the main founder of Scandinavian Real Heart, which was established in 2007, developed an artificial heart pump that generates the same oxygenation and pulses a functional heart produces in a healthy body.

Speaking to Kurdistan24, Dr. Najar said he had developed 11 models of artificial hearts so far and the project is ongoing, but he is waiting to get permission from the authorities in Sweden and the rest of Europe to test the artificial heart pump, which is called ‘Real Heart.’

“We will be ready to test the Real Heart in humans by the end of the next year [2017], but it will take some time to get the permission to operate the heart in the chest of humans to replace their diseased heart,” Najar told Kurdistan24.

The innovation of developing an artificial heart by Najar has been of interest to the Swedish government, scientific and medical centers as well as the general public. Recently, the Swedish Prime Minister and other Swedish officials visited his center to closely look at his outstanding innovation in the health sector.

[Swedish PM and officials visited Dr. Azad Najar (third on the left) on December 8, 2016. (Photo: Swedish PM's Facebook page)]

“We visited Rockford to see innovator Azad, a doctor who works with the development of an artificial heart,” the Swedish PM Stefan Lofven posted on his official social media account.

The mechanical heart pump that promises to generate natural oxygenation and pulse will also reduce the risk of blood clots, according to Najar.

"I started this project in 1999, and I worked on it for four years in my company 'Newroz,'" Najar said, stating that the company has expanded since 2003 until it recently became a public company with its share in one of the Swedish stock markets with the name "AktieTorget.”

“We have a great team of about 15 persons with different capabilities as doctors, engineers, and designer who are working continuously to develop the artificial heart,” Najar concluded.

Najar, who is originally from Zakho in the Kurdistan Region, expressed his readiness and willingness to return to the Region and serve in the health sector in Kurdistan.


Editing by Ava Homa

Swedish PM, Stefan Lofven, stares at the artificial heart developed by Dr. Azad Najar.
Swedish PM, Stefan Lofven, stares at the artificial heart developed by Dr. Azad Najar.
Dr. Azad Najar
Dr. Azad Najar
A sample of the artificial heart [Real Heart] developed by Dr. Azad Najar.
A sample of the artificial heart [Real Heart] developed by Dr. Azad Najar.
Dr. Azad with his 93 year old father, Najar, and his sone, Deelan.
Dr. Azad with his 93 year old father, Najar, and his sone, Deelan.