Rojava DSA publishes evidence of Turkey's support for IS

Foreign Relations Office of the Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava (DSA) published a dossier, claiming that Turkey supports the Islamic State (IS).

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan24) - On Wednesday, Foreign Relations Office of the Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava (DSA) published a dossier, claiming that Turkey supports the Islamic State (IS).

The DSA of Rojava is the self-governing area in the northeast of Syria and was established in 2012.

The 60-pages long dossier published by DSA presents pictures, identity cards, bank cards, passports, and other Turkish documents that have allegedly been offered to IS foreign fighters.

Turkey has been repeatedly accused of turning a blind eye to the fact that foreign fighters have been joining the Islamic State through Turkish border.

This document brings a new level of accusations against Turkey by claiming that not only Turkey allows easy commute for the IS fighters, but also supports them by providing services.

"The only goal of the AKP [Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party] is to fight any democratic project for the future of Syria," DSA said.

"To achieve this the AKP has cooperated with the so-called Islamic State (Daesh) through providing training, supplying arms, and facilitating the crossing of Daesh fighters to Syria through its borders."

Mutlu Civiroglu, a Washington DC-based Kurdish affairs analyst, told Kurdistan24 that the accusations are not new. People's Protection Units (YPG) has been loud, clear and persistent in saying that Turkey has been assisting IS.

But this time, YPG has put together all the evidence in one document and has offered it to the international community. 

"If anyone thinks the documents are forged, they should prove it; otherwise, the public's suspicion of Turkey's support for a terrorist group is once again raised," Civiroglu added.

"Now that these documents are out there, we have to wait and see if politicians and international media will investigate the report and confront Turkey or if they will prefer to ignore them," Civiroglu concluded.

The DSA is governed by Kurds, Arabs and Syriac Christians as well as any other ethnicity living in the DSA. 

The Syrian Democratic Forces (military force of the DSA) in alliance with the USA and International Coalition against IS have been the most effective force in the war against the terrorist entity of IS in Syria.