The head of the KRG's Foreign Relations Department Minister Safeen Dizayee met on Saturday with US Deputy General Consul Ms. Zehra Bell and a delegation from the US government (Photo: DFR)
The head of Department of Foreign Relations (DFR) Safeen Dizayee speaks to Kurdistan 24 during an interview, July 10, 2022. (Photo: Screengrab/Kurdistan 24)
KRG Foreign Relations head Safeen Dizayee and Romanian consular official Horia Mihail Petrescu at an event in Erbil, Dec. 8, 2021.[Photo: Safeen Dizayee/Twitter)
Kurdistan Region Government (KRG) Spokesperson Jotiar Adil and Head of Department of Foreign Relations Safeen Dizayee, in a joint press conference, Nov. 10, 2021. (Photo: Kurdistan 24)