Population census details in Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Rashid expressed his gratitude to citizens in the Kurdish areas located outside the Kurdistan Region Government’s authority, who have returned to their ancestors’ place.

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The population census process in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region began from 07:00 a.m. (local time) on Wednesday in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.
For the first time in Iraq, the whole census process performs electronically, from data filling to submission, then counting and classification.
Dr. Dara Rashid, the Minister of Planning at the Kurdistan Region Government stated in a press conference about data and information “with the Federal Ministry of Planning’s coordination, we were able to successfully perform the first day of the census”
“We thank the Kurdistan Statistical Board and all the directorates in Erbil, Sulaimani, Duhok, Halabja, as well as Soran and Raperin Independent Administrations, also Garmian and each Kurdish statistical board, who were able to do the most work” He added.
According to his statement the technical problems were from tablets devices, but have resolved, with the Federal Government’s assistance.
Rashid expressed his gratitude to citizens in the Kurdish areas located outside the Kurdistan Region Government’s authority, who have returned to their ancestors’ place.
All citizens and state seniors in the country were waiting, for a long time, for the population census, as it is very important.
“The census determines the proportion of the total population, especially, to deal with the ethnicity and indigenous citizens in the Kurdistan Region state, as well as not to mess with Kurdistan Region's budget anymore by the Federal Government” Dr. Rashid further stressed.
The Iraqi Minster of Planning, Mohammed Ali Tamim stated to press correspondences that the population census is very important, it has an impact on social care and benefits, economic justice and improving the level of services all over the country.
The Iraqi Planning Minister further explained that the population census process lasts for two days, until Thursday, November 21st, 2024, as well as he called on the citizens to collaborate with the counting team and provide them the accurate information.
This census is considered the tenth in the contemporary history of Iraq, during the previous regime era, the last one was in 1997, however it did not include the provinces of Kurdistan Region at the time.
A census was scheduled for 2007, but was postponed to 2009 due to security concerns, afterwards it was postponed again for another 10 years.
Public commuting ban
A general curfew has taken place across the Kurdistan Region as well as all over Iraq, with a complete lockdown in the whole country and a ban even on traffic or commuting between cities.
However, the army, police and local security forces are deployed, the curfew does not apply to them nor any humanitarian or necessary cases.
The current population census in Iraq differs from its predecessors, it does not ask about the specific ethnicity or sect of a religion.
Many ordinary people and seniors in the state expressed concerns about the lack of nationalism in the census form, especially Kurds and Turkmen, in the light of the demographic changes observed in the areas where conflicts still exist.
The importance of the general population census is historical in Iraq
According to the official statements from both regional and federal governmental organizations, the population census in Iraq aims to obtain accurate data on the demographic composition of the country, the results help to formulate an effective development plan and program.
According to some data and historical records, the first census ran under the British Empire’s administration, in 1920s.
Many other census took place throughout history in different shapes and under different policies.
A census was scheduled for 2019, but it was postponed due to covid-19 pandemic, it was difficult to assign 150.000 field researchers to visit homes, meet households and obtain accurate data.
The decision of carrying out census (every 10 years) in Iraq dates back to 1947, when the government of the King of Iraq gained a great success.
Afterwards, the law was applied by the Republic system.
The results of the population census
According to the Planning Ministry Spokesperson, Abdul Zahra al-Hindawi, the preliminary results of the population census will be announced within 24 hours, after completing the procedures, furthermore, it covers all the Iraqi citizens, including refugees.