KRG High Security Committee Supervise of the Census, Iraqi High Population Census Committee notify of further 24 hours for census
There are still some families in Kurdistan Region and some Iraqi cities to get registered. In order to complete the process, the curfew will be extended for another 24 hours only between cities.

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The High Population Census Committee extended the working hours of census- population statistics teams in counties where work is not completed.
The committee announced on Thursday, November 21st, 2024, that the working hours for population census in the provinces have not been completed, adding that their work will continue until Friday night.
Based on their announcement, following an assessment, they have asked citizens who have not been visited by the census teams to stay at home until the teams visit and completely finish their duties.
A statement by the High Security Committee of the Census at the Ministry of Interior of the Kurdistan Region Government posted through their official Facebook account the following:
“After the successful conduct of the census process, filling out the family registration and re-verification on November 20th and 21st, 2024, there are still some families in Kurdistan Region and some Iraqi cities to get registered.
In order to complete the process, the curfew will be extended for another 24 hours only between cities.
During this time, we ask those families who are not registered to stay at home and help the population statistics team to complete the work.
For the next 24 hours, as in the past 48 hours, the movement of businesses and self-owned small businesses, the arrival and departure of the official and governmental delegations, government agencies or establishments, official events, UN agencies, diplomats and journalists will be excluded.
We thank the large participation by the citizens and ask those who have not been registered for any reasons, to stay at home and wait for the arrival of the population statistics teams.
So, for all the citizens to be successfully registered in the census within the next 24 hours.”
High Security Committee Supervise of the Census
November 22nd, 2024
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