Census team. (Photo: Kurdistan 24) Kurdistan Final phase of population census begins in Kurdistan Region
Census staff during the process. (Photo: Kurdistan24) Kurdistan Erbil census director hails "highly successful" operation, rules out extension
Trained staff members are carrying out numbering and counting in avenues. (Photo: Kurdistan 24) Kurdistan Kurdistan Region Delegation is in Baghdad to discuss census related issues, arrangements
Kurdistan Region PM Masrour Barzani (R) welcomed Dr. Mohammed al-Hassan (L), the newly appointed Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq. (Photo: Kurdistan24) Kurdistan PM Masrour Barzani, UN Special Representative discuss elections, census
The statue of Peshmerga fighter in Kirkuk. (Photo: Kurdistan 24) Kurdistan KRG official warns against demographic manipulation in Kirkuk ahead of 2024 census
Mohammed Kamal, the head of the third branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in Kirkuk. (Photo: Kurdistan24) Kurdistan KDP official urges Kirkuk census delay, implementation of Article140, return of displaced
This is a locator map for Iraq with its capital, Baghdad. (Photo: AP) Iraq Iraq imposes nationwide curfew for November census
The statue of Peshmerga fighter in Kirkuk. (Photo: Kurdistan 24) Kurdistan Arabization in Kirkuk reaches critical level amid demographic shifts
KRG Council of Ministers meeting. (Photo: KRG) Kurdistan KRG Council of Ministers to discuss four key issues
The Governor of Sulaimani, Haval Abubakir. (Photo: Kurdistan 24) Kurdistan Sulaimani governor confirms preparations for experimental census
The experimental census process commenced under tight security measures in Kirkuk. (Photo: Kurdistan24) Kurdistan Experimental census begins in Kirkuk amid tight security measures