Saving the Homeland coalition to start negotiations with political parties on government formation: KDP

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Politburo member Mahmud Mohammed announced on Sunday that the Saving the Homeland coalition would resume negotiations with Iraqi political parties over government formation.
"Starting tomorrow [Monday], the Saving the Homeland Coalition will start negotiations with the Iraqi political parties over government formation," Mohammed revealed. "With the Sadrist Movement and the Sunnis, we will form a joint delegation to send to the other political parties to hold talks with them."
The Sadrist Movement, the KDP, and the Sunni al-Siyada alliance make up the Saving the Homeland coalition, the largest in Iraq's parliament.
Regarding the Kurdistan Parliament meetings, Mohammed emphasized that the regional parliament should resume its sessions to discuss projects and other service-related issues.
"The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) continues working on its reform program, and for this purpose, it has been sending proposals to the parliament for discussion and approval," said Mohammed. "The parliament should hold sessions to discuss and approve these proposals."
Regarding KDP's relation with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Mohammed said that "the KDP is willing to meet with PUK at the top levels of the two parties to solve the problems."
"The problems with the PUK should be solved based on the public interests and the non-changeable national principles," he added.
This announcement regarding resuming talks over government formation follows two different initiatives: one by the Shiite Coordination Framework (SCF) and another by the Sadrist Movement leader Muqtada al-Sadr to pave the way for solving the political deadlock and forming the government.
Read More: Sadr gives independent members of parliament 15 days to form an 'independent government'
Both initiatives focused on having the independent members of the parliament nominate a candidate for prime minister and form a cabinet.
Read More: Shiite Coordination Framework launches new initiative to resolve Iraq's political deadlock