'More than 20 medical visas a day issued to KRI citizens:' Indian Consul General
He also explained that India can develop the Kurdistan Region's banking and agriculture sector as it is highly robust in both industries.

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Indian Consul General in Erbil, Madan Gopal, on the sidelines of the State Facilitation Event – State of Kerala, told Kurdistan 24 that his country’s relations with the Kurdistan Region are “excellent.”
Regarding the State of Kerala, the Consul General said that it is located in southern India and is a very beautiful place with a lot of opportunities for tourism, health care, naturopathy, and ayurvedic treatment.
The ancient field of ayurvedic medicine strives to encourage health and well-being by practicing yoga, massage, acupuncture, and consuming herbal medicine.
Meanwhile, Gopal underlined that they “have excellent relations with Kurdistan Region of Iraq and we are getting very good support from both from the Department of Foreign Relations as well as the full government of the Kurdistan Region.”
He also revealed that there are many Kurds from the Kurdistan Region who go to India for medical treatment. “We offer very good facilities at a very convenient time, without long wait as well as a very affordable price. We issue many medical visas every day, more than 20 [each day].”
Moreover, he explained that India can develop the Kurdistan Region's banking and agriculture sector as it is highly robust in both industries.
India inaugurated its diplomatic mission in Kurdistan Region in 2016. It “was a very strategic move which shows how serious India is towards enhancing [its] partnership with Kurdistan,” Mayank Sharma, the deputy director of the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, told Kurdistan 24 in September.