New documentary presents untold story of Kurdistan Rugby Team

A new documentary illuminates the story of the Kurdistan Rugby Team and their endeavors to promote rugby as a beloved sport among Kurdish youth.

On Thursday evening, the documentary “The Untold Story of Kurdistan Rugby” was shown (Photo: Kurdistan Rugby Team)
On Thursday evening, the documentary “The Untold Story of Kurdistan Rugby” was shown (Photo: Kurdistan Rugby Team)

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Kurdish cinematographer Ayar Rasool's new documentary about a Kurdish rugby team premiered on Thursday evening at Akkad Field in Ainkawa.

'A Journey of Passion: The Untold Story of Kurdistan Rugby' tells the story of a team of local Kurds and international players that work together to become not only better rugby players, but to learn how to work together.

Hiwa Faridun Jwanroyi, Rugby Developer at Kurdistan Rugby Team, told Kurdistan 24 that the documentary presents “the story of the Kurdistan Rugby Team and its players,” which was established in 2013 as a nonprofit organization.

Read More: Kurdistan Rugby team to join 2021 Dubai Rugby tournament

He added that the goal of the Kurdistan Rugby Team is to introduce rugby as a popular sport to the people of Kurdistan. “We go to Dubai every year, and the goal is to let our audience and supporters know what we do.”

The documentary tells the story of the players on the rugby team, what they have been through and “the ways of putting effort into the team to go forward.”

He added that in 2015, the team only had one local player, “but now we have a full team of local players, and the second team is mainly for foreign players in Erbil. The aim is to try to recruit youth to join the team.”

Moreover, he said they want to send a message to the private sector and government to get more funding to show the importance of rugby. “It's not just a bunch of guys running around and playing sports.”

“We have a strategy [to] try to help young people basically, and rugby is not just a sport, it's an education. It helps young people to develop the core values of rugby, such as sportsmanship, discipline and teamwork.”

He said this is especially essential for the youth in this era to “be able to develop themselves and respect the society they live in and help each other. These values will help youth in their social and professional life.”

Moreover, Jwanroyi said they want more people to know about the team and “hopefully be able to recruit more young people and encourage them to join.”

“Anyone who wants to join is welcome, the training we offer is free and we practice three times weekly. Through our community, our members and players get to meet new people. Also, the players get the opportunity to travel with the team to UAE and Jordan yearly.”

“The game itself is played by royal people and is relatively new. It offers opportunities for success in a less intensely competitive setting, especially when compared to football, which has a much longer history,” Rasool told Kurdistan 24.

“Kurdistan Rugby has the potential to achieve significant success, and it can serve as a valuable lobby for Kurdistan, introducing the region to many countries. The sport is embraced by individuals of high status, including marines, royals, and important figures from around the world.”

On Thursday evening, the documentary “The Untold Story of Kurdistan Rugby” was shown (Photo: Kurdistan Rugby Team)
On Thursday evening, the documentary “The Untold Story of Kurdistan Rugby” was shown (Photo: Kurdistan Rugby Team)
On Thursday evening, the documentary “The Untold Story of Kurdistan Rugby” was shown (Photo: Kurdistan Rugby Team)
On Thursday evening, the documentary “The Untold Story of Kurdistan Rugby” was shown (Photo: Kurdistan Rugby Team)