Ministry of Education announces e-library, pedagogy platform
“We are working constantly to improve and expand our sector and use this platform for the betterment of the education process in Kurdistan Region,” the Minister explained.

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Minister of Education Alan Hama Saeed announced on Sunday in a media conference that more than seven thousand public and private schools have had their data registered in the specialized portal.
“We are working constantly to improve and expand our sector and use this platform for the betterment of the education process in Kurdistan Region,” the Minister explained.
Mr. Hama Saeed continued by saying that various obstacles, such as lack of schools in the rural areas, poor internet connectivity, lack of the basic educational material in schools, were the main problems in the process of learning and education. “However, with the backing and leadership of the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region for the education process, we have been able to digitalize the sector of education and have also been able to provide the basic needs.”
“So far, six thousand laptops have been distributed to various schools throughout the Kurdistan Region,” he added.
Additionally, Mr. Hama Saeed highlighted that the private schools are also integrated within this system and have “had a tremendous role in its expansion”.
There are currently more than eleven thousand users of this system. The platform also provides pedagogical training for the teachers throughout the Kurdistan Region.