US coalition discusses al-Hol camp security campaign with SDF
“They have assessed the current and expected threats the camp poses in light of the international inaction."

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Senior SDF commander Mahmoud Berxwedan separately met with General Carl Harris, deputy of General Commander of the US-led coalition and US Senior Representative to Northeast Syria Nikolas Granger to discuss the ongoing anti-ISIS operation in al-Hol.
“They have assessed the current and expected threats the camp poses in light of the international inaction and lack of response to the AANES’ (Autonomous Administration in Northeast Syria) calls to resolve this case by urging countries to repatriate their nationals and providing adequate support to the AANES,” the SDF said in a press statement.
Mahmoud Berxwedan also reviewed the initial results of the anti-ISIS operation, highlighting the particular importance of the operation timing when ISIS sleeper cells escalated their crimes against the camp residents.
The Syria-based Rojava Information Centre (RIC) on Tuesday said the Asayish arrested 60 suspected ISIS cells in Syria’s al-Hol camp on the sixth day of the Operation Humanity and Security Operation launched on August 25.
On Wednesday, another 11 ISIS suspects were arrested.
Both US delegations underlined their continued support to the Syrian Democratic Forces, the Asayish in the operation against ISIS militants in northeast Syria.
The al-Hol camp hosts at least 56,000 people, mostly Iraqi and Syrian citizens. But it also hosts foreign third country nationals.
Dozens of civilians have been killed in al-Hol camp in the recent years in suspected ISIS attacks.