North of two billion dinars allocated for building three 12-grade schools in Erbil: Education Minister

“The presentation of the implemented policy in the Kurdistan Region was commended by the international organizations and all those who heed the education of refugees,” he added.

KRG Minister of Education speaks in a media conference. (Photo: Kurdistan 24)
KRG Minister of Education speaks in a media conference. (Photo: Kurdistan 24)

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Education Minister of the Kurdistan Region Alan Hama Saeed on Monday Feb. 26 announced in a media conference that the foundation stones for three 12-grade schools in Shawes, Kasnazan and Mamzawa neighborhoods in Erbil will be laid. It will be built at a cost of more than two billion and 500 million dinars on the budget of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The Minister highlighted that, “in December 2023, accompanied by the Minister of Interior and a delegation of Kurdistan Region, we participated in the Global Forum on Migration and Development in Geneva. It was suggested that we share Kurdistan Region’s experience in the policy of integrating refugee students with the host students; this policy has been implemented during the Ninth cabinet since 2022.”

“The presentation of the implemented policy in the Kurdistan Region was commended by the international organizations and all those who heed the education of refugees,” he added.

Mr. Hama Saeed stated that similar projects will be implemented in Sulaimani and Dohuk provinces. He added that, “UNHCR has built several other rooms and renovated several schools, and also has plans to renovate several schools. The foundation stone of two schools in Duhok and one in Sulaimani will be laid on the UNHCR budget.”

Kurdistan Region has hosted 152,000 internally displaced students in 140 schools, forcing the ministry to turn some of the educational institutions into a double-shift system in order to accommodate the vulnerable students.