To SDF from Syrian Kurdistan Front SKF

According to the statement by the SKF that asked SDF for forming a joint political delegation to represent Kurds in the northeast of Syria (Rojava), west of Kurdistan, as well as to consider all the points highlighted in the statement,

The Syrian Kurdistan Front seal. (Photo: Kurdistan 24)
The Syrian Kurdistan Front seal. (Photo: Kurdistan 24)

Dec. 25, 2024 
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The Syrian Kurdistan Front (SKF), in a statement, addressing the US-Led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), requesting to implement those conditions mentioned in their message for the interest of people in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava territory).  

According to the statement by the SKF that asked SDF for forming a joint political delegation to represent Kurds in the northeast of Syria (Rojava), west of Kurdistan, as well as to consider all the points highlighted in the statement.

Furthermore, the statement included the initiative of holding a negotiation with the new authorities, in Damascus, to be based on the critical Kurds cause, in the new political system in Syria. 

The Syrian Kurdistan Front called on SDF to take the serious and practical steps on several sensitive matters that are destiny-determining for the people of Kurdistan in the new Syrian system. 

It is understood from the SKF's statement that, although in the midst of a sensitive and fate-determining phase, the Rojava "territory is going through serious threats on the future and existence of our people of Kurdistan, especially after the fall of Al-Assad's regime and the move to build a new political system" SKF said. 

The SKF urged the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to move forward with the practical and serious steps. 

The Syrian Kurdistan Front identified conditions and actions as following: 

First: Requesting to immediately releasing the Kurdish politicians, end the file of those who were forcibly detained, declare the fate of who are missing in the prisons for years, offer them a publicly formal apology, and to compensate them for all the years they have been deprived and tortured. 

Second: Ending kidnapping teenagers, both males and females, who were taken into their armed rows, after being dropped out of schools, to return all of them to their own families. 

Third: Reviewing the educational curricula and making necessary changes accordingly to the principles and respect to human rights, children’s rights and democracy. 

Fourth: Making an urgent decision to dissolve the Youth-fighters Organization, immediately, as it had a negative impact and violated all the social values ​​and norms. 

Ending kidnapping teenagers that was for the purpose of taking advantage of them and use them as tools in fighting against other opposed political parties who fight against repression regime.  

Fifth: To, immediately, expel the Party of Kurdistan Workers (PKK)'s fighters from the northeast of Syria, Rojava (west of Kurdistan), due to the negative consequences they caused and still causing to the future of the Syrian Kurdistan, as result to deter any more foreign interventions to Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) territory. 

Sixth: Submit to federalism system as the best political option, it is also inevitable to obtain the Kurdish demands through, in order to secure the rights of our people within a unified entity of Syrian Kurdistan, in the new Syria. 

Seventh: To transform the SDF into Syrian Kurdish National Forces, and get united with the Roj Peshmerga Forces, according to a well-built plan within the unified army limits to become the Syrian Kurdish National Forces whose mission is to protect Syrian Kurdistan. 

The statement concluded, “we, in the Syrian Kurdistan Front, see the implementation of those aforementioned conditions is one of the most important urgent criteria to protect our region at this stage.

"In which it is exposed to the newer war and intervention risks, as well as to preserve civilian's lives, deter the new warmongering motives, form a joint political delegation, representing our people's interests, furthermore, to discuss the destiny-determining matters and new political system in the country with the new authority in Damascus."