Kurdish politicians applaud historic meeting between President Masoud Barzani and Mazloum Abdi

The high-profile meeting, held in Erbil’s Pirmam district, focused on fostering Kurdish unity and cooperation. It was met with an outpouring of support from Kurdish politicians and citizens alike, who described it as a "historic moment" for the Kurdish people.

ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – The meeting between President Masoud Barzani, and Mazloum Abdi, the commander-in-chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), has garnered widespread acclaim across the Kurdish political spectrum and beyond.  

The high-profile meeting, held in Erbil’s Pirmam district, focused on fostering Kurdish unity and cooperation. It was met with an outpouring of support from Kurdish politicians and citizens alike, who described it as a "historic moment" for the Kurdish people.  

"This meeting was the wish of millions of Kurds. We hope it continues and opens the door to good," Osman Baydemir, a prominent Kurdish politician from the Kurdistan region of Turkey (Bakur), stated on the social media platform X.  

Leyla Zana, a former parliamentarian in Turkey and a well-known Kurdish politician, also expressed her gratitude for the meeting. "Thank you, congratulations, and long live; the coexistence of nations is our foundation. You raised the hope of the peoples of the Middle East,” she wrote on X, emphasizing the broader significance of the dialogue.  

The publication of a photograph from the meeting quickly went viral, with citizens across the region celebrating the event as a unifying milestone for Kurds. Many took to social media to share their enthusiasm, labeling the meeting as a step forward in strengthening ties among Kurdish factions.  

Aras Sheikh Jangi, another influential Kurdish politician, shared his reflections on the event via Facebook. "The greatness of Kak Masoud is revealed today. The news of Mazloum’s visit to Kak Masoud is a source of joy for all Kurds; it is time for Kak Masoud to become an elder brother of all Kurds," he wrote, underscoring President Barzani's central role in promoting Kurdish solidarity.  

The meeting has sparked hopes for further collaboration between Kurdish leaders and factions across the region, particularly in light of ongoing challenges facing the Kurdish people in Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. For many, the gathering signifies a renewed commitment to Kurdish unity and dialogue.

Read More: President Masoud Barzani, SDF Commander Mazloum Abdi emphasize Kurdish unity