KRG top delegation to visit Baghdad on Sunday

Fars Issa, the KRG’s representative to Baghdad, told Kurdistan 24 that the delegation will meet with the Iraqi Oil Ministry to complete discussions on the draft oil and gas bill.

Fars Issa, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)’s representative to Baghdad speaking to Kurdistan 24, Jan. 6, 2023 (Photo: Kurdistan 24)
Fars Issa, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)’s representative to Baghdad speaking to Kurdistan 24, Jan. 6, 2023 (Photo: Kurdistan 24)

KRG (Kurdistan 24) – The Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) delegation is scheduled to visit Baghdad on Sunday to complete the negotiations on Erbil-Baghdad's outstanding issues.

Fars Issa, the KRG’s representative to Baghdad, told Kurdistan 24 that the delegation will meet with the Iraqi Oil Ministry to complete discussions on the draft oil and gas bill.

The representative didn’t provide any further details. 

For many years, relations between Erbil and Baghdad have been rocky due to disputes over the KRG’s share in the federal budget, the status of disputed territories as well as the administration of the energy sector.