Prime Minister Masrour Barzani Inaugurates Eagle Post Company and Center in Erbil

During the inauguration ceremony, Prime Minister Barzani emphasized the significance of improving transportation and postal services as part of the government's initiative to modernize and digitize public services.

KRG PM Masrour Barzani. (Photo: Kurdistan 24)
KRG PM Masrour Barzani. (Photo: Kurdistan 24)

Erbil (Kurdistan24) – The Kurdistan Region’s Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today inaugurated the Eagle Post Company and Center in Erbil, which specializes in postal and delivery services.

During the inauguration ceremony, Prime Minister Barzani emphasized the significance of improving transportation and postal services as part of the government's initiative to modernize and digitize public services.

"This company and center will further connect the cities and regions of the Kurdistan Region with each other as well as with other parts of Iraq and the world. This is part of the government's plans and programs to modernize services and digitize them, as well as reduce bureaucracy,” he stated.

The Prime Minister highlighted the importance of advanced postal and delivery systems in facilitating citizens' daily lives and reducing the burden on both public and private sectors.

“In this era, post and delivery is a very important and active institution that provides a lot of services to citizens and creates a lot of facilities for citizens to run their daily lives and affairs. At the same time, providing this service in an advanced manner will reduce the congestion and burden on the institutions of the Kurdistan Regional Government as well as the private sector,” the Premier highlighted.

He also stressed the need for a modern address system in the Kurdistan Region.

“This issue draws us to another area, which is the address system, which should be reorganized in an appropriate and modern manner in the Kurdistan Region and the relevant parties must work on this issue as soon as possible," Barzani emphasized.

Transcript of the Prime Minister's Speech:

"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Dear Attendees,

Today we are opening a joint project of both the public and private sectors, which is part of the agenda of the Kurdistan Regional Government in the field of improving transportation services, especially postal services, which we want this sector to be at the level of rapid development.

This company and center will further connect the cities and regions of the Kurdistan Region with each other as well as with other parts of Iraq and the world. This is part of the government's plans and programs to modernize services and digitize them as well as reduce bureaucracy.

In this era, post and delivery is a very important and active institution that provides a lot of services to citizens and creates a lot of facilities for citizens to run their daily lives and affairs. At the same time, providing this service in an advanced manner will reduce the congestion and burden on the institutions of the Kurdistan Regional Government as well as the private sector.

This center can also become a factor in promoting and developing trade exchanges, especially e-commerce between the Kurdistan Region and abroad and vice versa.

The work of this company should be carried out in an advanced manner and system within the framework of international standards and provide the necessary facilities for the citizens of the region and become a turning point in the field of postal and transportation.

This issue draws us to another area, which is the address system, which should be reorganized in an appropriate and modern manner in the Kurdistan Region and the relevant parties must work on this issue as soon as possible.

Before I conclude my speech, I would like to thank the citizens, especially the salaried employees of the Kurdistan Region, for their support and resistance against the conspiracy of some people and parties for their own purposes who wanted to weaken the Kurdistan Region’s status by using the demand that the salaries and budget of the Kurdistan Region be distributed to the provinces. Your resistance prevented this conspiracy from succeeding and we have been in constant contact with the prime minister of the federal government and have reached the final stage. I hope that we have been able to do something to resolve the issue of budget and salaries in a fundamental way, as I have already mentioned.

We hope that the full salary of the security forces for the month of April and the salaries of all our citizens for the month of May to be distributed soon before the holidays. I hope that the issue of salaries will no longer be the news in the media and we can put our relations with the federal government at the right level and move towards better relations.

Thank you once again for your presence and I congratulate the citizens of the Kurdistan Region on this achievement."