I didn’t consent to the closure of Kurdistan24’s office: Mazloum Abdi

“I'm sorry for this because it's the decisions that the media department of the Autonomous Administration (AANES) has made, and we as the SDF, believe it is very positive to have all the channels working here."

SDF Commander-in-Chief Mazloum Abdi speaks to reporters during a press conference in Oct. 2019 (Photo: Archive/Kurdistan 24)
SDF Commander-in-Chief Mazloum Abdi speaks to reporters during a press conference in Oct. 2019 (Photo: Archive/Kurdistan 24)

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Mazloum Abdi told reporters at an online press conference that he didn’t agree with the decision of closing Kurdistan24’s office on Tuesday.

“I'm sorry for this because it's the decisions that the media department of the Autonomous Administration (AANES) has made, and we as the SDF, believe it is very positive to have all the channels working here," he said.

He also stated that there’s no sign that the Turkish regime will stop its operations soon, and noted that they are negotiating with other Syrian political parties to end the conflicts.

Regarding the congress of the Kurdish National Council (KNC) on November 14, the commander-in-chief explained that they didn’t prevent the congress to happen, but we suggested that Asayish (The Internal Security Forces of the Democratic Union Party) follow the event for security reasons.

“KNC rejected our suggestion,” he said.

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The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Media Center recently announced that a total of eight SDF fighters were killed in a Turkish drone strike at the al-Hol camp.

Read More: 11 civilians killed in Turkish airstrikes: SDF

At least 11 civilians and a number of Syrian soldiers and SDF fighters were in northeast Syria during Turkish airstrikes on November 20. Turkish drone strikes and artillery strikes have continued since Nov. 20.